Streets of Linfen
I memorized Linfen with its horrible drivers and my constant difficulties in crossing wide roads in the city center. Until then, I thought that the worst drivers in China live in Kaili. Now the drivers from Linfen take the first prize. I met none of the underground or the overground walkways. Crossing a road at a light, I kept expecting a car, a bike, a scooter or a bus jumping out on me at any moment from the left, from the right, from my back or from my front. Any vehicle usually jumped out from the most unexpected side. I repeat that the problem was only in the central streets of the city. I watched one of the intersections and found out that local pedestrians suffer from their drivers in exactly the same way.The Drum Tower in Linfen is the second highest in China. Its height is about 44 meters. It is a bit lower than that one in Beijing. The first tower was built on this place around 1000 years ago. It was rebuilt many times throughout its existence.
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