
Countries > Mexico > Photos of Mexico, 2005 > Teotihuacan >
Teotihuacan. Pyramids of the city of gods.

R. Sapozhnikov (2005)

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50 kilometers to the North-West from Mexican capital there is the most popular among tourists place – city of Teotihuacan - the historic place, where according to the legend, “people turned into gods”.

This archaeological complex is one the best, the one that preserved out the ancient culture of Aztec. Many centuries ago there used to be a big city here with 200 thousand residents, but due to the unknown until today reason, its inhabitants one day abandoned the city for ever.

The Pyramid of the Moon

Three kilometers long Road of the Dead (la Calzada de los Muertos) which was used by the religious processions and crowds of pilgrims to the main sanctuary of the city, leads from the Pyramid of the Sun to the equally famous Pyramid of the Moon. Although it is smaller than the Pyramid of the Sun, its location on the hill removes this difference. The Pyramid of the Moon towers over the big square, surrounded by ruins of ancient temples. From this pyramid one can view an unforgettable panorama of the city and the Road of the Dead, on the both sides of which there used to be symmetrically placed buildings. In the center of the square there is a big sacrificial altar, to which the steps from four sides are leading. It is terrifying even to imagine how many blood-shedding dramas the stones of the altar had seen.

View from Pyramid of the Moon:


The Pyramid of the Sun

The main attraction of the archaeological complex is the Pyramid of the Sun (la Piramide del Sol). The third in the size among known in the world pyramids, it used to be decorated by picturesque frescoes. 248 steps led to the temple, glittering in gold on its top. For a long time it was considered that the divinity, to the honor of which this temple was erected, was personification of the Sun, its reviving force. Hence is the modern name of the pyramid. It may be due to this that in the Russian colony of Mexico there is an opinion that the pyramid stones possess not only healing, but energetic properties. You only have to touch them and stand in silence for a couple of minutes with your eyes closed. Such recharging, judging be the stories, would last for a long time.

But the newest archaeological discoveries put in doubt the authenticity of statements that the temple was dedicated to the God of Sun, as was reported in the 16th century chronicles. Scientists have established, that in ancient times the pyramid base was surrounded by a 3 meter wide canal, whereas in the pyramid corners they discovered burial place for children, very much resembling the sacrificial offerings to the god of Water - Tlaloc. If we take into consideration that nearby there are ruins of the Palace Tepantitla with remainders of the mural “Paradise of Tlaloc” (“El Paraiso de Tlaloc”) the version that the temple was dedicated to the god of Water seems to be more convincing.

There is no doubt that in the distant times that square was meant for public ceremonies and was the main part of the ancient city.

Near the Pyramid of the Moon there are a lot of smaller temples with interesting architecture and remainders of the ancient frescoes.

Nowadays the Road of the Dead is the epicenter of the trade activity. Newly arrived tourists are immediately surrounded by the souvenir vendors. Silver goods are the most frequently encountered on the stalls souvenirs. By no means you should agree to the first offered by the seller price. Be bold enough to half it and you will not be mistaken. After a little tug-of-war you will get an elegant bracelet, chain or necklace for quite a reasonable and acceptable for an average tourist price. For turisto ruso there is a pleasant moment in all this – many vendors are able to speak Russian trade language.


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