Conchupata beacon (Oruro, Bolivia)
February 2008
The beacon was erected on the place where in 1851 the Bolivian flag was risen for the first time. In its modern appearance the national flag exists since 1888, its colours symbolise the following: red – courage of the Bolivian army, yellow – richness of the country's natural resources, green – fertility of its soil.
The Conchupata beacon is a good bearing not to get lost at slightly monotonous streets of Oruro. An excellent view to the town and its suburbs opens from the beacon.

↑ Click for detailed view ↑
It is funny, but near to this impressive monument there is another one – to leaders of the United trade union organisation of agricultural workers who were elected in 2002-2004. All want to immortalize their names! And here is another sculpture masterpiece: a nameless trade union leader gives a sound signal to another protest action.
Calle Montecinos.
This stair-case street leads to the beacon.