Chavez is getting ready for recurrent presidential term

February 5, 2006
Chavez is getting ready for recurrent presidential term (Photo from
Ten months prior to presidential elections the present leader of Venezuela Hugo Chavez Frias actually started his re-election campaign, having appealed to his followers to put aside inner discrepancies and petty conflicts and jointly struggle for victory on December 3. Only the victory will make it possible to continue profound structural as well as social and political transformations in the country that got the name of Bolivarian Revolution.

Millions of people in Venezuela identify themselves with revolution and its results. First of all from those social layers, which for decades have been deprived of many rights, including the right to vote. It is enough to note, that majority of those outcasts did not even have identity cards and were not included in the constituency lists. And if we recollect that election centres could be counted on the fingers of one hand in the poverty-stricken areas – the general picture is clear: former authorities (before Chavez) prevented free will of these socially miserable people at any cost, as they could rather «spoil» the general picture of democratic prosperity.

At present the majority of these «humble and abused» Venezuelans is included in the potential electorate of Chavez, and this is about 60-70% of all votes. That is why it is possible to forecast the president of Venezuela for the next period of 2007-2013. And the goal, set forth by president Chavez – to get 10 million votes in his support, does not seem so incredible!

The scaled reforms that started in the field of public health, education, housing construction is the asset of Chavez. How can so important for human life spheres be privatized?! - this is the leitmotif of is speeches addressed to people. Success of the Bolivarian government in these fields is apparent. The health service (free of charge!) of the low-income Venezuelans has significantly improved; there is no illiteracy in the country – everybody can read and write; public housing construction is at full swing. Though the pace of this construction does not fully satisfy the president and he personally deals with this problem every day, because he understands – any failure will be used against him and the Bolivarian revolution led by him.

The heat of propaganda war against the proclaimed by Chavez «socialism of the XXI century» with the Venezuelan face is incandescing the situation in the country. Maybe it is because of this Chavez, giving the reply in stiff manner of his to accusation in «authoritarianism», «all power accroachment», in «unwillingness to play according to democratic rules» keeps on saying: «Don't prevent us from building just society for all Venezuelans without exceptions».

Enormous finances come to the Venezuelan treasury from selling petrol, taxes, including from foreign companies that act in the country as per the new rules, set forth by the Bolivarian regime. Petroleum business, carried out bu the state company PDVSA got maximum permissible for such business transparency. Petroleum in reality works for the state and for enhancement of the Venezuelans living standards.

Recently Chavez announced increase of minimum wages up to 465 thousand bolivares (this is about 210 USD). He granted a pension to housewives who lost their providers. The number of federal grants allocated to young people who want to get a needed by the country profession – from agriculturist to doctor, reached several thousand, and there are no restrictions envisaged in this sphere.

Of course, it does not go without problems. Fighting the corruption is in the agenda today. Nevertheless, vigilant eye of the opposition could not pin a single close to Chavez official in money laundering or buying expensive property: neither villas in Europe or the USA, nor yachts or football teams.

Worthy life to all the Venezuelans, social equality, just use of petrodollars are the slogans of Chavez. Maybe because of this he is hated by the neo-liberals from all over the world, whose international long ago rephrased the well known slogan of proletariat to their own manner: «Neo-liberals of the world, unite!» It is especially visible in the controlled by them mass media means: same accusations of Chavez in all the countries, same «reasoning», and sometimes just unfounded attacks.

Chavez himself experienced that deadly breath of this informational totalitarianism in the period of April 11-12, 2002, when in the result of coup attempt he was suspended from power for 48 hours: complete informational blockade and massive lies that he had «signed the document of his resignation».

Chief «dissident» in Latin America, naturally after Fidel Castro, cannot depend on «calm life». Chavez, of course, understands it. He is well-read, especially in the history of Latin America and the Caribbean countries, and, probably, more than once analyzed as a military and politician the dramatic events of overthrowing the legally elected governments in Guatemala (Arbenz), Chile (Allende), Panama (Noriega) and many other countries of the region. Chavez knows where the threat to the Bolivarian revolution and personally for him comes from. And that is why during recent celebrations, devoted to the events of February 4, 1992 (when he and a group of revolutionary-minded servicemen tried to come to power in the country), declared that there will be two rivals in the future elections: he himself and the «empire», having in mind the United States.

There is no doubt at all that such rivalry can lead to the most dramatic consequences. But Chavez is a revolutionary, and it is not difficult to understand from his statements, sometimes optimistic, sometimes with implication of sacrificial servicing to the Bolivarian ideals, that he is sincere, ready to go to the end, he will not let down his followers and brothers-in-arms.

And the candidate from opposition (if unity is achieved in its ranks) will face a titanic struggle with the man, who might have been invented by the history itself (with its mysterious ways), so that once and forever to nail the coffin cover with the words «capitalism and neo-liberalism» written in black letters. It is not by chance that president Hugo Chavez Frias speaks with such confidence that in the XXI century capitalism will be buried down.

Well, days, months and years of the XXI century are running around the face of the history faster and faster. Countdown has started...