September 28, 2005
Treasure found on Robinson Crusoe island?
The Robinson Crusoe island, part of the Pacific archipelago Juan Fernandez (Photo:
A group of Chilean specialist from the «Wagner Corp» company announced that they have located place of the legendary 18-century treasure on the Robinson Crusoe island. It was done with the help of the modern georadar, made by engineers of that company and tested in the ex-“Dignidad colony”, where it could find a number of deeply covered secret bunker- stores with weapons.

After such a success the engineers decided to test the radar on the Robinson Crusoe island, where the treasure, once left by Spanish colonisers, have been searched for for centuries.

The Robinson Crusoe island is part of the Pacific archipelago Juan Fernandez near the Chilean cost. This once uninhabited island got its name in honour of the famous literary fictitious hero of the writer Daniel Defoe. The Scottish sailor Alexander Selkirk , who, after he had been put ashore for his disobedience, spent more than 4 years in complete solitude, served as prototype to this Crusoe.

Long ago the captain of the ship that carried colonial tribute to Spain, having received the news about coup d’etat in his homeland, decided “till the situation is clear” to leave the load on the desert island. The implacable time covered the tonnes of valuable with sand. The treasures from the South-American colonies that had no chance to get to Spain, are valued at 10 milliard dollars now!

So many times they were searched for! Since 1998 American millionaire Bernard Keiser has hardly ever left the island. Keiser made his fortune by supplying garments for astronauts to NASA. At NASA he has received information that the space photographing confirmed presence of considerable “deposits” of gold in the depths of the island. For the years that passed out the American has spent almost a million of dollars on excavations on the island, but with no success for the present moment.

Literally within two days the miraculous georadar spotted three places, where there are parts of the legendary treasure. Representatives of the company returned back urgently to the capital to get permission to carry out excavations, because the island land belongs to the state and is the National park with unique biosphere. The excavations are supposed to start in three weeks.

Bernard Keiser, who leaves for the island in the nearest days to continue his search and with whom many islanders now express their sympathy, is very sceptical on the Chilean news. In Keiser’s opinion, the place, located by the radar, is far from the coastal line, there is no bay there, where many tonnes of load could have been unloaded from the ship. From his experience he knows that it is not possible to get permission for excavation in two weeks, as a rule, the bureaucratic procedure drags on, at best for eight weeks.

Meanwhile the treasure is being already divided. They calculate, who and what will get.. Of course, the state will get most of all. Local authorities are all concerned: if there is luck the island will gain unimaginable amount that exceeds any state donations hundredfold! At last they will be able to build a hospital! And so many hopes for tourists , who, having got the news about the treasure, will pour on the Robinson Crusoe island!